Monday, December 10, 2007

Newsletter 12/03/07

Everyone has done a great job getting training in and mostly on turning in mileage. A huge thanks to people who organized swim sessions for the club.
In this newsletter:
Need more people
Training opportunities
Movie quote trivia contest


Should I send you all my mileage, or just swimming?
All your mileage.

What format should I send it in?
Send it in Swim/Bike/Run format in MILES.

How often should I send my mileage?
As often as you accrue it.

In order to make it more fair for smaller clubs to compete, larger clubs were asked to split into teams of 75 people maximum. So if you go to the challenge website you'll see two teams for us: DC Tri Red and DC Tri Blue. DC Tri Red is totally full, DC Tri Blue could still use about 10 more people.

Need more people:

The above noted, we still need about 10 people to field a full second team. Time to peer pressure your friends into signing up.

What are the eligibility requirements?
You are a paid member of DC Tri.
You do NOT have to be a USAT member.

How do I sign up?
Email me:Your first name Your last name Your age on December 1, 2007.

Training Opportunities:

You do NOT have to swim with the club for your mileage to count. However, should you wish to do so:

DC Triathlon Club Swim Meet!
When: Sunday December 9th - 7:00 am start (6:10 pool opens for warm-up)
Where: Lab School Pool, 4759 Reservoir Road NW, Washington, DC 20007
Who: Open to all DC Tri Club members. You DO NOT have to be registered with Masters swimming.
Cost: $5 entry up to four events, including relays / $1 each event thereafter(to cover pool expenses - collected at the meet)
Why: Swimming motivation, National Club Challenge, and to HAVE FUN!
Contact: Joe Coyne
After: Brunch in Georgetown - Booeymonger

There will be multiple heats for each events, where you will be competing against those with similar times. The more people that sign up for the meet, the more people you will have to swim with. Try something new! We're all hereto support one another and have a good time.
It doesn't matter if you swam inthe Olympics or started swimming this year, we want you HERE!

Awards:-1st/2nd/3rd in respective events, heats, and teams (DC vs. MD vs. VA residents)-Giveaways (goggles, caps, swim lessons)

Other places you can swim with the club:

When: 6:30 AM
Where: Eastern Market Pool

When: 6:00 AM
Where: Washington and Lee

When: ???
Where: Takoma Recreation Center

When: ???
Where: Chinquapin


USAT NCC website
USAT has a blog to keep everyone informed. I also heard we will be able to post on it, say to taunt San Diego's tri club. Just remember, comments are hard to un-post, so stay classy DC.

DC Tri NCC page

DC Tri forum thread

If you have a blog you would like me to link, shoot me an email.

Movie trivia contest:Last year I put a pirate jokes at the end of the newsletter but I'm out of funnyones for this year. As per your input I'm doing movie quotes this year. The first person to reply with the character and movie title wins a gel. Not terribly exciting, but a reward for reading the whole newsletter nonetheless.

Here's your first one:"Relax, all right? Don't try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring!Besides that, they're fascist. Throw some ground balls - it's more democratic."

Happy training!

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